Key Differentiators

AI/ML-driven Long/Short Tech Equity Investment Strategy

EMJ Capital believes the computers, data, and pattern recognition from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) tools can better construct a long/short tech portfolio than humans. We have built our organization to reflect that belief.

Burning The Boats on Human-Led Stock Picking

Despite years of practice as fundamental long-term oriented tech stock pickers, we believe that our clients are going to be better rewarded from a risk and return perspective from relying on the algorithm we have created rather than our high-conviction based on our research in some basket of tech stocks. Because of our conviction, we burned the boats on June 1st, 2023, and completely switched over to an algo-first driven model for portfolio selection.

Software Engineers Wanted; “hedge fund bros” Need Not Apply

We believe in a culture of software engineers first who have deep expertise in AI, ML, and neural networks. We can’t keep improving without the best and brightest in those fields. We do not want Chief Futurists, 20-something MBAs or spreadsheet jockeys which have been typically used to populate traditional hedge funds.

Constant Iterative Improvement

We don’t believe the AI race will ever be over. We expect each of our newest algos to seem archaic in a couple of years. We can never rest on our laurels. We must always be looking for additional ways to improve our models – or others will.

Surf the Wave or Get Hit By the Wave

It used to seem impossible to imagine a machine beating a human in chess. Now that thinking seems quaint. We believe AI will disrupt the hedge fund industry. We can either surf that wave of disruption or be hit by the wave. We think that mentality will better serve our clients over the long-term.

Eric Jackson, Ph.D., Founder/President

Eric Jackson’s Ph.D. is in Strategy and Management from Columbia Business School (2002). He’s overseen activist tech strategies as well as fundamental research-driven long/short tech strategies as a hedge fund manager and seen the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches. He led the 2 year development program of EMJ’s AI/ML-driven algorithm and selected the software development team which built it. Learn more about Eric Jackson.

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